Next: Timelaps with your Canon

Timelaps with your Canon

Here the ubasic code to make a timelaps with you (hack)Canon:

@title Timelaps
@param h Hours
@default h 10
@param m Minutes
@default m 0
@param e Interval (Seconds)
@default e 10
@param y Max n. of Photos
@default y 100
@param f Flash (0 = A, 1 = On, 2 Off )
@default f 2
@param l BackLight (0 = Off, 1 = On )
@default l 1
@param x AutoFocus (0 = Off, 1 = On )
@default x 0

 set_prop 16 f
 set_prop 143 f
 set_backlight l

 z = 1
 i = 1000*e


    d = get_time 2
    u = get_time 1
    if (d=h) and (u=m) then gosub "myshoot"
goto "myloop"


     print "Shoot number ", z, "on ", y    
     sleep i
     if z=y then
        z = 0
     z = z+1

goto "myloop2"
