The following snippet of PHP code is responsible for the conversion while the MP3 files are cached to reduce requests to Google Translation servers.
// Convert Words (text) to Speech (MP3)
// ------------------------------------
// Google Translate API cannot handle strings > 100 characters
$words = substr($_GET['words'], 0, 100);
// Replace the non-alphanumeric characters
// The spaces in the sentence are replaced with the Plus symbol
$words = urlencode($_GET['words']);
// Name of the MP3 file generated using the MD5 hash
$file = md5($words);
// Save the MP3 file in this folder with the .mp3 extension
$file = "audio/" . $file . ".mp3";
// If the MP3 file exists, do not create a new request
if (!file_exists($file)) {
$mp3 = file_get_contents(
'' . $words;
file_put_contents($file, $mp3);
// Embed the MP3 file using the AUDIO tag of HTML5
<audio controls="controls" autoplay="autoplay">
<source src="<? echo $file; ?>" type="audio/mp3" />