Next: How to build your Qr code in 5 minutes

How to build your Qr code in 5 minutes

Suppose that you want create a qr code (text) with the following message:

"smile and the world will smile"

You can simply  use the following url: and the world will smile&chs=250x250&choe=UTF-8&chld=L|2

the result will be:

Now you want create a qr code with a ulr and the url is the following:

in this case you can to use:|2

the result is the following:

If you want put a url and a message then you will use:

Message: smile and the world will smile
url: and the world will smile;URL:;&chs=250x250&choe=UTF-8&chld=L|2

the result will be the following: